
Restoring Human Connection.


Whether a 100 student school group or a single person oriented respite retreat, our Educational Immersions are broad in scope of offering and length. We have immersions available for intergenerational experiences ranging from K-Adult, spanning from 1 day to 3 months.

Educators are diverse in cultural background, trainings, skills, heritage, ethnicity and gender, making it possible for many intersections of identity to be reflected on the land.

Educational Immersions are co-created with participants and include collective leadership facilitations, and land stewardship foundations taught through art, music, food history, somatic experiencing, intergenerational living, and nature based experiences.

Some individuals and activist groups attend facilitated retreats to reconnect with their mission on land and in relationship with food history.

Camping respite is available on the land to rejuvenate while still engaging in community life.

Our General Curriculum & Immersions aid in the development of process thinking, providing opportunities for critical self-reflection to flourish to bring humans back into connection with the whole. The realization of the circular human-plant-animal-soil connection is woven throughout, with circle work practice at the core. In this way we foster places for human beings to heal from generational trauma, through body presence and education in nature spaces.

Whether immersing yourself in learning about intensive rotational grazing, farm-to-table culinary arts, horticulture, history, personal respite, communal living, or traditional education, you can be sure to have a tailored experience that will leave you feeling more connected with yourself and the Earth.

For more information on individual retreats opportunities, youth engagement, and group facilitations please contact an educator directly via email here.


Nigella: Learning about cut flower production for the floral CSA (2021)