Lifesharing - Residential Community
Liberation requires leaning into community in a radically ancient way.
Our on campus residents consist of a diverse group of individuals spanning multiple generations with differing abilities.
As a licensed Adult Family Home Care Provider, we offer a holistic, therapeutic environment for our disabled community member(s), and for all in residence at the farm. We have two residential homes on the property one of which is licensed for care for the disabled population. Our daily rhythm is informed by our most vulnerable members, enabling us to move at the speed of trust and patience.
Our lives are expanded through shared meals, home care, culture sharing, and agricultural communion with nature. We are each dedicated to intra-personal and interpersonal liberation in unique and profound ways. Grounded in the work of consensus, we endeavor to heal through connection and communication with one another and the land.
We can not stress enough the importance of including all oppressed people into community. This includes those who are differently abled.
When we live and work together in diversity, our own strengths and weaknesses are mirrored back to us; offering us opportunities for personal growth and transformation.
This growth in our inner selves serves to meet not only our individual highest potential, but lifts up those around us to contribute beyond their vision of themselves. Because of this we are all able to show up in ways we didn’t believe possible.
Openings for life-sharing in our residential community are currently closed due to space constraints. And we welcome building deeper community relationships in non-traditional ways. For more information on joining our extended community you can get in touch with us here.
Activate-to-Relate I 2022: Members of our Residential and Extended Community at a farm volunteer day.